Rosehip Carrier Oil...

This is a fairly new oil to be used and has gained great popularity because it has some great rejuvenating properties and is helpful with fighting sun damage to the skin. We have listed the rosehip oil under the essential oil section, although it in reality is more a fixed oil and can be used neat on the skin.

General information:-

It is high in GLA, and helps reduce the signs of ageing, especially the fine lines around the eyes (crows feet) and lines around the mouth, the drying effects of the sun and climate, as well as assisting with attenuating both accidental and surgical scars.

It helps the skin heal and regenerate and prevents the formation of ugly keloid scar tissue (thickening of the skin when forming scar tissue) and is helpful in healing burns, scars and stretch marks.

There have been some reports that it can aggravate acne, but since it is mostly used to counter the effects of ageing, this problem is not that relevant.

Rosehip oil is not a volatile essential oil, yet is expensive and scarce due to crop failures, and for this reason often sold adulterated, and mixed with another carrier oil.

Rosehip is a fairly new ingredient in modern cosmetic skin care products, but has gained a great following by people in the know, as it contains good amounts of vitamin C, which is not only healing but is also a wonderful ingredient in anti-aging products.

Rose hip oil, also known as rose hip seed oil, is extracted from the seeds of the rose hip plant, the rosa species; rose hip oil has historically been used by South American native people but is now common in many cosmetic aromatherapy blends. Rose hip oil should not be confused with the different types of rose il, including rose essential oil; rose hip oil is a carrier oil which can also be used on its own in massage oil.

The rose hip plant is native to the Andes region of South America, particularly in Peru and Chile; the rose hip is a wild rose bush which grows to a height of eight feet. The bush has white and pink flowers with fruits of red berry – called rose hips. The presence of carotenoids give the rose hips their bright red color.


Rose hip oil is extracted from the rose hips traditionally through cold expression, cold pressed oils retain many of the properties which the plant possesses, due to the superior extraction method used. To prolong the shelf life of rose hip oil, crude rose hip oil can also be produced through solvent extraction, which is processed at higher temperatures than a cold expressed oil.

Rose hip oil is golden red in color, due to the carotenoids present in the original rose hips. Rose hip oil is often classified as an organic oil as the oil is extracted from a wild plant. Consequently, rose hip oil may be a superior carrier oil when compared to other carrier oils.

Rose hip oil has healing properties because of the presence of trans-retinoic acid in rose hip oil. In addition, rose hip oil has a higher content of vitamin C than oranges. Rose hip oil is anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and is possibly diuretic (although there are conflicting studies on this). Rose hip oil is particularly useful in skin care; rose hip oil can be used to heal burns, ease eczema, heal wounds, heal scars, reduce wrinkles (which is why it is popular in skin care creams and lotions), treat sun damaged skin, hydratre and nourish skin.

Other Uses :-

  • Historically, rose hips have had several culinary uses; rose hip fruits have been used in herbal teas, syrups and jams. Rose hip seeds have been used as a diuretic. Rose hips are also considered to be a tonic.

  • Rose hip oil should be used in moderation due to the presence of trans-retinoic acid. If unfamiliar in the uses of carrier oils in aromatherapy use, consult a qualified aromatherapist. In addition, do not confuse carrier oils for aromatherapy use with those intended for culinary use.



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